| 1. | In that case we will not look on with folded arms 在这种情况下,我们不会袖手旁观。 |
| 2. | In that case we will not look on with folded arms 在这种情况下,我们不会袖手旁观。 |
| 3. | The mender of roads , and two hundred and fifty particular friends , stood with folded arms at the fountain , looking at the pillar of fire in the sky 补路工和他那二百五十个铁哥儿们都在泉水边交叉着双臂,望着天上的火柱。 |
| 4. | Tom stood amidships , gloomy - browed , and with folded arms , and gave his orders in a low , stern whisper : " luff , and bring her to the wind ! 汤姆站在船中间,眉峰紧锁,抱臂当胸,低沉而又威严地发着口令: “转舵向风行驶! ” |
| 5. | Count rastoptchin ordered his horses in order to drive to sokolniky , and with a yellow and frowning face , sat in silence with folded arms in his study 伯爵吩咐套马,准备到索科尔尼茨去,他皱起眉头,脸色蜡黄,抱紧胳膊默不作声地坐在办公室里。 |
| 6. | When you see someone killing people right in front of your nose , would you still look on with folded arms and say : " i am a prize - boxer and i am not supposed to combat casually . 每次出去都让人家,看人家已经在你面前杀人,你还在那边袖手旁观说:我是武师,不能乱动手。 |
| 7. | Sometimes he would fall into long reveries , sigh heavily and involuntarily , then suddenly rise , and , with folded arms , begin pacing the confined space of his dungeon 有时,他会长时间的陷入沉思,不由自主地,深深地叹息,然后,突然站起身来,交叉着两臂开始在牢房里踱来踱去。 |
| 8. | He stood on the hearth with folded arms , brooding on his evil thoughts ; and in this position i left them to seek the master , who was wondering what kept catherine below so long 他交叉着双臂站在炉边,动着那些坏念头。就在这种情况下,我离开他们,去找主人,他正在奇怪什么事使凯瑟琳在楼下待了这么久。 |
| 9. | The tall and phlegmatic lord ingram leans with folded arms on the chair - back of the little and lively amy eshton ; she glances up at him , and chatters like a wren : she likes him better than she does mr . rochester 高大冷漠的英格拉姆勋爵,抱着双肩,斜倚在小巧活泼的艾米.埃希顿的椅背上。她抬头看着他,像鹪鹩似的叽叽喳喳。 |